There are a number of Erectile Dysfunction drugs. Find out more about the different erectile dysfunction drugs and other methods of treatment.
There are a number of Erectile Dysfunction drugs. Find out more about the different erectile dysfunction drugs and other methods of treatment.
How Often Can You Take Tadalafil? Tadalafil is a type of erectile dysfunction medication, commonly known by the brand name Cialis. It is used as an alternative to Viagra. The general rule is to wait 36 hours between doses but there are also daily pills available. Have a read on for some tadalafil FAQs to […]
You may have previously received a prescription for Cialis® from your doctor for your erectile dysfunction (impotence) and noticed that your new prescription says Tadalafil. Perhaps your prescription has always been for Tadalafil, but when you collected your medicine from the pharmacy the name on the packaging of your medicine was Cialis®. However, now the […]
Short Facts About Cialis Cialis is a drug marketed by pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly for the treatment of Erectile Dysfunction and Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. The compound belongs to the class of phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE-5) inhibitors which mediate relaxation of vascular smooth muscle in the corpus cavernosum thus facilitating erection. In a natural setting, after […]
So, you got over your embarrassment or perhaps it is your desperation to save the relationship that has finally pushed you to seek help from your doctor about your impotence, which is also known as erectile dysfunction. You are not alone. While the risk of developing erectile dysfunction increases the older you get, approximately 50% […]