Is Kamagra Safe?

A healthy sex life plays a critical role in a relationship affecting the emotional and personal aspects of couple goals. Unfortunately, there is about half the population of men above the age of 40 that suffers from the erectile dysfunction. the problem is not only confined to aged people only, in fact, but many young men are also suffering from the same issue in one way or another.
The reasons behind this may be a bad lifestyle, excessive alcohol, tiredness, stressed studies or jobs etc. thanks to this modern scientific age, many pharmaceutical companies have come up with solutions like tablets, gels, sprays to get rid of erectile dysfunction problems. A lot of brands are available in the market, but unfortunately, among legal and registered medicines many illegal and injurious things are also present in the market. A person must be very careful about choosing the right thing.
Below in this article, one such erectile dysfunction medicine available in the market by the name of Kamagra is discussed.
What is Kamagra?
Kamagra is a drug available in the market for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Kamagra contains the same active ingredient as Viagra, Sildenafil Citrate. But it is not licenced to be used in the UK. It is because the patent of Pfizer regarding Viagra does not give licence to Kamagra to be sold in the UK. However, the patent does not apply to other countries and it can be sold there under different trade names.
Mechanism of action of Kamagra:
Kamagra belongs to the class of PDE5 inhibitor (phosphodiesterase type 5), which is responsible for the inability of a person to get erect or maintain an erection. Kamagra degrades the cyclic guanosine monophosphate cGMP by blocking the phosphodiesterase type 5 enzyme, thus increasing the blood flow by relaxing the smooth muscles of the penile area. Therefore, mediating the erectile response in patients.
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Is Kamagra Safe for Erectile Dysfunction:
Kamagra is illegal to buy in the UK, irrespective of the fact whether it is local or imported. In the UK, it is illegal to buy medicines without having a prescription from the doctor. Even then many men want to have this drug to solve their personal problems regarding a sexual relationship. the main reason behind this attitude is the easy availability of this drug from online pharmacies which intends many men to avoid seeing a doctor.
Although, many men find it embarrassing to consult a doctor for erectile dysfunction. but it is more important to understand that it is more dangerous to use medicine without prescription rather than consulting an expert for the problem.
It is strongly advised by the regulatory authorities, that you should not buy any illegal drug from un-registered pharmacies. If a website is selling illegal medicine, it is possible that it may not even be the same drug that has been advertised. Another danger associated with a cheap version of legal drugs is substandard material in the medicine which may make it even poisonous for your health. To put your life at stake is a more disappointing thing than just consulting an expert for a medical problem.
The drugs which are not licenced in the UK are not properly verified by the drug regulatory authorities from safety and effectiveness point of view. Kamagra is also among such drugs. The properly prescribed drugs also have a few side effects on certain people but are mostly safe among a larger group of people. But illegal drugs are neither safe nor reliable in any case. Therefore, it is important to consult your doctor about your disorder before buying anything from online pharmacies.
What is the legal alternative of Kamagra?
Kamagra is one the most searched for drugs on the internet for erectile dysfunction even though it’s not even licenced to be sold in any way. Then what does a person should do? There is nothing to worry about. There are perfectly legal and much safer as well as effective alternatives to this drug.
The most commonly heard name among this list is Viagra. The manufacturers of Viagra mythicised that Kamagra enhances the sexual activity in the same way as Viagra. Then how the two drugs can be differentiated and what is the solution to the problem? To resolve issue let us consider the facts about the legal drugs like Viagra.
Viagra Vs Kamagra:
Viagra is manufactured by a US-based pharmaceutical company named as Pfizer. It improves the blood circulation in the body which has many beneficial uses, the most commonly known of which is increased blood supply to the penis. The increased flow of blood the penile arteries causes the erection and helps to maintain it for a longer duration in men suffering from erectile dysfunction. the active ingredient used in the manufacturing of Viagra is Sildenafil Citrate, which is used in many other brand names to capture the market illegally.
Kamagra is manufactured by an Indian pharmaceutical company, Ajanta Pharma Limited. But, the medicine sold in the UK as Kamagra is not approved so it may not be guaranteed as an authentic product. The drug is sold under the name can be counterfeit, sub-standard, may have less of the active ingredient and may even not the same drug. All these above discussed points can be a threat to your health.
There is also a difference between the dose strength of these two drugs. Viagra comes in different doses, i.e. 25mg, 50mg and 100mg. on the other hand, Kamagra comes only in a strength of 50mg and 100mg, sold on the internet and can be purchased without any prescription. Unlike, Viagra which is sold only under prescription by a pharmacist or a doctor prescribing the correct dose according to your body requirements.
The higher dose of Kamagra being sold by illegal pharmacies can cause multiple side effects to the person using the drug. For example, unwanted and firmly sustained erections for up to 36 hours which are not only painful but are also harmful. Various other side effects are also reported by users of the medicine.
Therefore, Kamagra seems to be a cheap alternative to Viagra but it can be a big threat to your health. So, it is advised to buy the legal medicine from a registered pharmacy after proper consultation with a registered practitioner.
Few other prescription-only drugs for erectile dysfunction are, Spedra, Cialis, and Levitra. All these drugs are sold legally in the UK and are registered medicines. The mechanism of action of all these drugs is almost the same as they belong from the same class, PDE5. They work by increasing the blood supply and decreasing the enzyme responsible for decreased erection in the penis during sexual activity when aroused.
What are the Side Effects of Kamagra?
The super Kamagra tablet is claimed to have the least side effects by the manufacturers by ensuring its manufacture under strict supervision. However various side effects have been reported by men using Kamagra. Few of such side effects are
- A headache
- Nausea
- Congestion in the nasal cavity
- Dryness of nose
- Blurred vision,
- Impairment in a visual activity like colour vision
- Prolonged erection
In case of prolonged persistence or worsening of symptoms, immediately seek medical help. With special concern about prolonged erection rush to the hospital if erects lasts for more than 4 hours.
Why not buy Kamagra online?
There are various reasons suggesting that a person should never buy Kamagra online as a solution to his erectile dysfunction problem. Few of these are discussed below
Kamagra is illegal:
It is against the law in the UK to buy a medicine without a prescription from an illegal online pharmacy. As discussed above that Kamagra is illegal in the UK, therefore it is illegal to buy it without prescription from online pharmacies.
No doctor or Pharmacist is available to check the safety of medicine:
As there is no doctor or pharmacist on these illegal pharmacies so it is not possible to determine that whether the medicine is suitable for you or not. On the contrary, when you a buy a medicine from a reputable pharmacy a doctor will determine its safety for you according to your health needs. While a pharmacist will completely check its efficacy and dose before dispensing the medicine.
Many persons have various underlying health conditions like liver or heart problems or allergies to various medicines. Such underlying conditions may prevent you from taking Sildenafil but without a qualified doctor or pharmacist, there is no way out. The health professional used to check the medical history and current condition of the person before dispensing the medicine. This seems to be the basic difference between both.
It is true that some people find it a bit hesitating to talk to the health professional about their sexual health problems. That is why they choose an alternative way of illegal pharmacies to cover their embarrassment. But one should mind it clear that these health professionals are used to discuss these private issues with open-mindedness, care and in a completely easing way. Therefore, it seems to be a huge mistake to compromise your health just because of a myth created by your own mind.
Lack of Quality in medicine:
It is not possible to say anything about the quality of a medicine when you buy it from an illegal pharmacy. In the same way, even if you buy Kamagra in the UK it’s not safe.
The world health organisation has shown concerns over the production techniques of various medicines regarding the sanitary conditions and their sale on illegal websites. These medicines do not fall on the health standards regarding the manufacturing safety standard of medicines in the UK.
The UK has strict rules regarding quality control during production and distribution of drugs. These rules protect clients from any kind of hazards due to substandard drugs or poorly-manufactured medicines. After distribution to legally operated pharmacies store the drugs under best hygienic environment, proper temperature and humidity conditions to dispense the best medicine to patients.
Risk of financial fraud:
Buying medicine from illegal online pharmacies can even pose a threat to your credit cards. Passing card details to any un-registered organization can leave your card vulnerable to a financial fraud.
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