Propecia & Finasteride – The Good, the Bad And The Hairy

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Have you ever run your hand over your head and found a lot less hair than was there previously? Or are you often cursing your mother’s father for the dreaded male pattern baldness you’re noticing more and more every day when you look in the mirror?

Hair loss is a traumatic experience for any man at any age and for many men they can find themselves dreading the ageing process even more as it is typically associated with characteristic hair loss which can have major repercussions on self-confidence and self-esteem. Indeed, despite baldness becoming much more socially acceptable and also being regarded by some people to be fashionable, not every man can view hair loss in this way. However, luckily there are many alternatives than having to embrace and accept the baldness you are experiencing.
But what exactly can you do if you find that you’re a little less hairy on top than you would like to be?

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How Does Hair Growth Work?

PropeciaThe answer could be Propecia. To make full sense of what Propecia is and how it works it is useful to look at hair growth and what is considered abnormal.
On average, a hair grows at a rate of one centimetre each month from the hair follicle on the scalp. Typically, this hair will continue growing for around two to four years (this is known as the growth phase), after which the hair will stop growing for around two to four months (this is the rest phase). After the rest phase has ended the hair will fall out and in its place, a new hair will begin to grow from the hair follicle thus continuing the cycle. The hairs on your scalp are constantly changing and often at different stages, therefore, it is perfectly normal to lose up to 100 hairs a day without it being considered abnormal.

Common Cause of Hair Loss

The most common cause of hair loss in men is androgenic alopecia which is also more frequently referred to as male pattern baldness (MPB). The characteristic appearance of MPB is a receding hairline and thinning of the hair on top of the head, this eventually leads to a horseshoe-shaped ‘halo’ of hair. It is true to an extent that hair loss such as MPB can run in families; however, the principal cause of this hair loss is believed to be due to a hormone that is known as dihydrotestosterone (DHT). The action of DHT on hair includes thinning and loss of pigmentation. This can occur progressively and over time will result in hair loss. Indeed, once the hair loss has occurred over a long period of time, the hair may become permanently lost thus leading to baldness. The onset of the symptoms of MPB is usually for men in their twenties and will become more common with age.

As mentioned, this can cause significant anxiety among men but the good news is that Propecia can be used to treat MPB.

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What is Finasteride?

Propecia is manufactured by Merck Sharp & Dohme and was first licensed for use in 1992 and since then has shown promising results for many men around the world.
Propecia contains a drug called finasteride which is a Type Two 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor. In simple terms, Propecia works by lowering DHT in the scalp which is the hormone, which in excess, can cause loss of pigmentation and thinning of the hair. This, as consequence, helps to reverse the balding process leading to increased hair growth and prevention/reduction of further hair loss. Propecia is used to help men who have mild to moderate hair loss.

How Much Can I Take?

Typical dosing for Propecia would be one 1mg tablet taken orally each day. Patients should note that taking more than one tablet will not increase the rate or amount of hair gained from taking Propecia. Users of Propecia should expect to see the full effect of treatment within three to six months. Furthermore, upon stopping treatment patients would be likely to lose the additional hair gained within nine to twelve months. Propecia can be taken with or without food and is unlikely to affect a person’s ability to drive, use tools or operate machinery. It is important to keep taking Propecia for as long as a doctor tells you and in accordance with the Patient Information Leaflet provided with the Propecia treatment.

How Quickly Does Finasteride Work?

Hair DifferenceSo what is the good news? Well, to start with, hair regain effects can be seen in as little as three months and hair will also stop falling out/ thinning even earlier if you are a good responder. However, users shouldn’t worry if they aren’t noticing Propecia’s benefits as early as this as it can take up to 12 months to produce the desired effect. Furthermore, it is recorded that for a majority of men it can take as long as two years for them to notice hair re-growth. It is estimated that upon commencing treatment of Propecia patients keep as much as 83% of the hair they currently have.

What Do The Studies Show?

To really get a feel for how good Propecia is we can look at clinical studies and the research carried out around Propecia and its use.

An important study to look at is that concerning how effective Propecia is in hair re-growth and how effective it can be depending on the severity of the case. Indeed, the aim of the study was to investigate whether Propecia would produce any beneficial effects after the onset of MPB in cases where a man takes treatment when a considerable amount of hair has already been lost. In this 12 month placebo-controlled, double-blind study it was found that Propecia is most effective if you use it at the earliest possible stage of condition where hair is just beginning to thin and the receding hairline has not occurred yet. Indeed, it was shown that hair loss in men who started Propecia at the first signs of hair loss experienced significant hair growth as well as no further hair loss over the duration of the study.

In comparison men in the study who waited one year from the initial signs of hair loss experienced much less hair growth on average than those who started treatment earlier. However, it should be noted that men who commenced treatment later did still have some degree of hair growth as well a reduced rate of hair loss when they eventually started taking Propecia thereby proving that Propecia can still be effective at a later stage of the condition. In can be concluded from the findings that the earlier you start Propecia treatment the more benefits there are. This is because men who suffer MPB generally experience the initial symptoms in their early twenties and delaying treatment means that by the time these men are in their thirties there is a lot less hair to save. Moral of the research; start treatment early to get the best effect.

WordsAnother study looked at what happened if a patient stopped taking Propecia and what effect this would cause. According to manufacturers, Propecia works only for as long as the user takes it and this is shown clearly in research in which men who had taken Propecia and then stopped subsequently lost the hair gained as well as suffering further hair loss. However, it should be recognised that hair loss only occurred after a few weeks after stopping Propecia treatment (average time period was two weeks) and so patients should be aware that it is okay to forget a dose of Propecia for a few days without worrying about losing a lot of hair.

Side Effects

Turning attention the ugly, we consider the possible side effects of Propecia. Side effects can include itchiness and a possible rash, however, these are uncommon and usually very manageable and don’t require patients to stop treatment. If users experience any of these side effects they should consult a pharmacist or doctor for advice.


In conclusion, there is a lot of good to be gained from taking Propecia with very few ugly side effects. Indeed, clinical studies are promising and show that Propecia, in many cases, works well in achieving hair growth and stopping any further hair loss. So could this be for you? The only way is to try it out and in a matter of months, you may be very pleased with the hairy results. Propecia can be ordered today from Assured Pharmacy and delivered to your home at your convenience. You truly could be on your own Hairway to Heaven!


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